Call for submissions

Doctoral Workshop at LDIC 2009

Bremen, Germany, August 17, 2009

This workshop is directed towards doctoral students in an early stage of their thesis project, who will soon write their first full scientific paper. In the international context of the workshop, they can present and discuss their research topic, first ideas for their research approach, and first findings. The purpose is to generate impact for the progress and the excellence of the thesis by discussing and reviewing the research proposals.
All participants of the doctoral workshop are encouraged to attend the main conference, which gives them access to the internationally leading researchers in the area of dynamics in logistics.

Scope of the Doctoral Workshop

All research topics which are suitable for LDIC 2009 are also relevant for the doctoral workshop.

Programme Committee


The doctoral workshop is based on the submission of a research plan (not more than 5 pages and adhering to the structure indicated below), which will be reviewed by the programme committee. Submissions should be in PDF format and sent by email to the chair of the doctoral workshop, Dr. Marcus Seifert (
Structure of the research plan
1. Introduction
2. Motivation
3. Research problem
4. Research objective
5. Expected results / generated knowledge
6. Research methodology
7. References

Authors of accepted research plans are invited to present their topic at the workshop (20 min. presentation, 20 min. discussion, 5 min. feedback). The programme committee will select the most promising doctoral project and present its author with an award.

Important Dates